
407 Main Street South, Room 202
Towner, ND 58788
Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM

About the Treasurer’s office:
The office of County Treasurer was created by the North Dakota Constitution. Treasurer’s are elected to four-year terms on a nonpartisan ballot during November elections and they officially assume duties in May. The salary is set by State Statute and is based on the population of the County.

The full duties are listed in the North Dakota Century Code (NDCC). They include receiving all incoming money, balancing accounts, collect fees and fines, monthly disbursements to county entities, invest funds to receive the best return and provide information to lending agencies.

The county treasurer shall keep an accurate and detailed record of all monies which shall come into the treasurer’s hands by virtue of the treasurer’s office.

The treasurer’s office is used by taxpayers, state agencies, lending institutions and reality companies, among others. The treasurer’s office provides easy acces to tax and real estate records throughout the year to anyone who requests that information.


Property Taxes:

You are now able to pay property taxes online with a credit or debit card as well as in the Treasurer’s office for a fee (fee is collected by credit card company)  See link above for online tax payments.

Tax Statements are usually mailed in early December, but no later than December 26th according the NDCC.

Failure to receive a statement shall not relieve the owner of liability nor extend the discount privilege past the February 15th deadline. Please call as soon as possible if you do not receive a statement.

If February 15th falls on President’s Day the 5% discount deadline is extended to the next business day. Postmarks are used to determine if the payment was made timely.

Please send your payment with your statement stub or include your fourteen digit parcel number or legal description such as lots and blocks with addition, or section, township and range.

Receipts are only mailed upon request.

No refund is given if an overpayment is $4.99 or less. (NDCC 11-10-29)


Tax Payment Schedule:
All taxes become due on January 1st.

A 5% discount is allowed on the consolidated real estate taxes if the total tax statement is paid in full on or before February 15th.

The first payment consists of one half of the consolidated tax and the full amount of the yearly installment of special assessments as shown on the statement

The first installment becomes delinquent after the first day of March
If not paid on/or before March 1st use the following penalty schedule:

  • March 2nd………………..3 percent
  • May 1st…………………….6 percent
  • July 1st…………………….9 percent
  • October 15th…………….12 percent

The second payment consists of the remaining one-half of the consolidated tax. This installment becomes delinquent after October 15th. If not paid on or before October 15th a 6% penalty is issued. An interest of 12% per annum will begin after January 1st.


Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve the obligation to pay real estate taxes, nor will it qualify for the discount and it will not exempt the interest and penalty fees.

Postmark is accepted as proof of timely payment.


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