Emergency Management/911
Physical Address:
407 Main Street South, Room 307
Towner, ND 58788
Mailing Address:
Office Hours:
(701) 351-0377 (p) (f)
McHenry County Emergency Management Coordinator, coordinates and facilitates the use of resources to minimize the impact of emergencies and disasters on people, property and the environment.
The Emergency Management Coordinator is responsible for the following:
- Performing technical work in the development, including implementation and management of county wide disaster prevention, preparedness, response recovery, mitigation and risk reduction.
- Administering the State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) Grant funds.
- Working with the McHenry County Local Emergency Resource Council to develop and maintain McHenry County Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) and the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) which defines roles and responsibilities and includes the evacuation, sheltering, warning and terrorism annex.
- Providing County-wide training and exercises to prepare for local, regional, and state emergencies and disasters to include classroom-based training in the National Incident Management System (NIMS) for all personnel who may be involved in disaster response and recovery activities.
- Providing guidance to municipalities on the development of disaster management plans.
- Coordinating and facilitating the use of resources in order to minimize the impact of emergencies and disasters on people, property, and the environment from disasters like tornadoes, flooding, severe weather, etc.
The 911 Coordinator manages the operation of the 911 system and is responsible for the 911 addressing system in McHenry County.